Youth Ambassadors: Raising Awareness Through Teens

A Digital Initiative
2 min readApr 7, 2021

Youth ambassadors are a great way to raise awareness locally for your cause and to drive support for your nonprofit or charity!

Source: Anna Earl via Unsplash

The COVID-19 pandemic, while potentially being over soon, has still had major effects on teens. High school students who were prepared to take their standardized tests suddenly found themselves at home, stuck with almost nothing to do. Following this initial phase, many organizations started to capitalize on bored teens by recruiting digital volunteers. Digital volunteering included virtual tutoring, reading to the elderly, and working on digital library projects.

However, not all nonprofits were able to easily offer digital volunteering. Places like homeless shelters and animal shelters had to think outside of the box to offer digital volunteering. And that’s where the idea of youth ambassadors come in.

Youth ambassadors are high school students that you can work with to support your cause. Working with a youth ambassador would have numerous benefits for your charity. For example, your youth ambassador could also manage your social media account, which would help you expand your following. And who says you can only have one youth ambassador? Finding one could eventually lead to more youth volunteers researching and being interested in your cause. These youth volunteers may be experts in web design, graphic design, social media management, and raising money through campaigns, again helping your charity raise awareness.

Additionally, you could even work with a few local high schools to start student clubs based around your cause. Working with youth ambassadors at these clubs could drive more support and awareness to your nonprofit, which would, once again, help your charity raise awareness.

Ultimately, youth ambassadors are a great way to raise awareness for your charity. You can work with passionate and driven high school students to bring support and awareness to your nonprofit, and you could even start a student club!

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A Digital Initiative

A Digital Initiative is a volunteer-based marketing agency dedicated to helping nonprofits with their marketing needs.